Friday, June 04, 2004

It's 11 o'clock in the morning on a Friday and my schedule is unknown. Fridays are usually joyous occasions where you look forward to Saturday because you don't have to work, but I still have no idea what my schedule is like so I don't even know if I'm working tomorrow or not. Interesting huh? Also, my next story to report doesn't even begin until about 3:30 and goes until 4:30, then I have to get back to the newsroom and write my story and get it in by about 6 p.m. So basically I have nothing to do until 3:30. I could've slept in and worked out and read and THEN come into work. Instead I am sitting here at a desk doing nothing. Oh well, no biggie...
I've been reading our paper and it's amazing the kinds of stories that we circulate. Two days ago a truck full of illegal immigrants veered of the I-10 and crashed off the side. Eight illegals were in the cab while 12 more were in the bed, covered by a tarp. 6 were returned to Mexico, 3 were killed and the others were injured and taken to the hospital. Illegal immigration is such a complicated issue for me. On the one hand I see these people who desperately want to be able to take better care of their families who live in a 3rd world country right next door to the most prosperous nation in the world. I see their honest desire to help their families. On the other hand, you also read stories of illegal immigrants smuggling pot over the border, stealing trucks from Scottsdale and increasing gang activity in the city. The issue is so complex and you know there are two sides to it; the people who come here with good intentions, but still end up costing the American public and the others who just want to make money at whatever cost. Either way, we're doing something wrong here whether it's legislation or otherwise. Then again, I just read in the paper today that a bunch of Jamaican nationals were caught with a ton of pot in a rented house and $700,000 in cash. What about them? From everthing I can tell, our borders are not as secure as they should be. Whether or not people come here with good or mal intentions, I do believe they should go about it the legal way, but clearly, that isn't working for us.
Anyway, those are my thoughts at the moment. I have to say it has been really cool to know a good amount of Spanish down here and listen to the radio stations. I actually found a Spanish Christian station yesterday and have been listening to it. Right now they're having their K-Love-esque pledge-of-support time. It's just so awesome to me to hear another culture preaching the love of Christ. The station broadcasts into Mexico and many of the callers were calling from Mexico; Cuernevaca, Monterrey, etc. That was really encouraging to me.
Well, keep me in your prayers, keep my best friend in your prayers, keep my roommate in your prayers and keep me posted on anything going on in Phx.
Toodles from Tucson!

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