Monday, May 24, 2004

Less than one week until I leave for Tucson. Nervous yet excited...
So Obadiah and I spent our weekend painting inside the house. It was a lot of fun to see the changes in the rooms we painted after applying a different color to them. We painted the master bedroom a really nice light beige color and then the guest bedroom/second room a very light blue color. Can you believe we painted for two days and only got the two rooms finished? Well, I guess that's pretty good come to think of it. Anyway, my parents are also having a painter go in sometime this week to paint parts of the living room. The living room has huge vaulted ceilings, so there's no way we can possibly do it without hurting ourselves! It was a really nice gesture on their part and I'm very happy that I don't have to worry about Obadiah being perched precariously on a 50 foot ladder. :) Is 50 feet high or in houses? I'm just making up the number so I don't know if that's correct or not, but the ceilings are high.
I think the best part of it was picking out the colors at Home Depot. Home Depot is definitely not my kind of shopping unless it has to do with picking out knobs or handles or colors or fans or lights or cabinets; those kinds of things. Then when you throw in wiring or wood or power tools, that's when it's not so fun. I was telling Obadiah "so, basically, Home Depot is to you like the mall is to me and the mall is to you like Home Depot is to me?" Quite interesting. I don't think I know a single guy who doesn't enjoy Home Depot...
I'll probably go and paint more this evening without Obadiah. He's golfing today with his boss and then there's some sort of prime rib dinner in the evening afterward. Poor baby! :)
This week is going to be extremely crazy. Graduations, making time for family and friends before I leave as well as packing preparations and helping Obadiah move into the house, which he'll more than likely be doing on Saturday morning. It's interesting how everything seemed to come down this week, of all weeks.
Friday night was a blast with the college group! I loved the lesson and then of course, our activities afterward were even more fun! Our college group moms are CRAZY! Earplugs please! Seriously though, for all who missed out, you really missed out. Denny's at 1 in the morning baby, whoohoo! Love that hot chocolate...
Well, I suppose I should get to work. The transcripts are calling...

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