Monday, July 19, 2004

It's now 7:30 p.m. and I'm sitting at work. It's not so bad though. I did a weather story, but that's about it so far. We'll see what else the night brings...
My parents came down and visited over the weekend and that was fun. We went out to lunch at the best sandwich place on the planet--Beyond Bread--and ate huge sandwiches. The Killough boys (more Luke or David actually) would love the sandwiches. Then again, I don't think I know anyone who wouldn't like the place. I've been there twice now, mostly because I'm watching my waistline and my money so I don't go out very often.
I did go out on Thursday and Friday night with some aquaintances from work. It was a good time, but I didn't feel like I completely fit in. Being engaged and then talking with a group of singles who also don't have much in common with you except for a passion to write, makes it difficult. As soon as most of them saw my ring it was like "eeeerrrrttt" (brakes). But still, some guys don't take that as a reason to back off, they see it as a challenge. So I'm not sure if I'm going to go out anymore because I don't really feel like dealing with that kind of pressure. Maybe that's not the word...I don't know what the word is it just makes things weird.
Anyway, so I've been trying to depend on God more since Obadiah's been gone because I've felt somewhat convicted about my priorities. I found a great scripture last night and I think I have it memorized. Mine is the NLT version, so let's see if I remember it...
Psalm 32:8&9 The LORD says "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like the senseless horse or mule that needs a bridle and bit to keep it under control." I think that's how it goes for the most part. I think I messed up a word or two. Anyway, I think it's a great scripture to remember because there are so many times when we have to make decisions and we're given the option to do what God wants or what we want. He's not going to force us with bits and bridles. I think sometimes I wish he did because I feel like it would make things easier, but then we'd be robots. We wouldn't be what God intended for us to be.
Anyway, that's my thought for the day.
Toodles from Tucson!

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