Monday, August 16, 2004

Today was fabulous. I love the new staff I'm going to be working with so far. But then again, those are only first impressions ;) . Anyhoo, we were brainstorming ideas and yes, many were along the college lines--stuff that'll appeal to the college-aged and my hope is that if we can draw people in, then if we do things that are more political or serious, then we may get their attention and they may just read those articles. We'll see.
I'm looking forward to just stretching my creativity and myself. I have a few good ideas, but my favorites are the quirky ones and I can't wait to find more of those throughout the semester.
Back to school shopping. It's not the kind of shopping I'm most fond of.
I had to peruse the college bookstore today to get my books for class. I ended up with a $200 tab. And that was just books. I still had to get school supplies and all that jazz. I finally bought a business card holder--had no idea they existed until I saw Michael the border reporter carrying one. Thanks Michael. So I'm set there...
Still trying to figure out what's going on with the nannying thing. So very confused, but we'll see...
Well, I'd like to talk about all of my fun ideas and the more investigative, serious ones, but that's not a good idea. I do trust you all, you know, but you never know what eyes will see these things...
I don't know why I keep dot, dot, dotting....shoot, there I go again! I guess I'm just doing stream of consciousness and don't have a lot of "deep thoughts" today.
All right, I'm resisting the urge to dot, dot, dot, so before I do it again, I'm putting an end to this blog. I hope to continue blogging as often as possible throughout the semester, so forgive me if I end up slacking.

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