So I see there are no takers on the investment opportunity I noted yesterday in my blog...bummer. I really wanted that house. After more thought, I realized we can't put it here in Arizona, no, we'd have to put it somewhere exotic and the rainforest. lol, there ya go, I'm a quick one I tell ya. Maybe like Costa Rica or something--that place is rainy right? Or England? My vote's for Costa Rica, personally...
My fun toy of the month, maybe even the year is my new cellphone. My mom got an upgrade after renewing the contract so now I'll have a smaller, more professional-looking flip phone. I think my favorite feature (aside from personalizing each person's ring) is the speakerphone. I already cracked up over it because I didn't realize it was on. The Verizon lady and I were trying to activate my phone so we had to call it and do all this junk. We ended up hearing all of the elevator music over speakerphone--k, so this is more difficult to explain than I thought it'd be. It was funny, but I guess you'd have to be there.
My dad leaves for England tomorrow--maybe that's where I'm getting my England-glass-house thing from...anyway, he'll be gone for quite a while which kinda stinks because we haven't been able to get back onto our daddy-daughter-dinner night for a while now. We sort of made it a tradition to get together at Souper Salad every Thursday evening for dinner to catch up on the happenings of life and transition our relationship a bit. I'd say it's worked, however since last semester between my schedule and his traveling and me being gone this past summer, the dinners have been postponed. But it's cool. I know we'll get back on track again...
So I'll take him to the airport tomorrow...4 o'clock, 4 o'clock. I have to remember. I'm just terrible about remembering things sometimes.
Tomorrow night is college group night, which should be fun. It took a little adjusting the week before when I was there because the dynamics are just so different from what I'd gotten used to in Tucson. I cherish peace and quiet now. In fact, I think I've voluntarily turned on the television maybe twice since I've been back, which has been about 5 days now. That isn't too shabby. I just hope that it remains that way because over the break I realized how much it can take over your life. All of a sudden I only had the "regular" channels--i.e. no cable. That meant no MTV, no TLC and no NBC. Well, okay, so NBC was still there, but I was trying to be clever with the call numbers. Anyway, after a while I noticed that I didn't miss it that much and then when it came to sitting down and watching TV for a little while, I got bored with it and grabbed a book instead. Great huh? I say, let's ban television for good. Movies every once-in-a-while, but otherwise, nada. Who needs it huh? I can waste my time blogging instead, which, I have to tell you, like Ben, I really missed it. I couldn't really blog for a week and I was going stir crazy. Now that I'm back, I'll be trying to write as frequently as possible. But between jobs, school and wedding planning, I don't know how often that will be this semester.
Congratulations to my friends Robert and Angela on being pregnant! So awesome! I'm so incredibly excited for them and just awed and stunned. I was really shocked when they told me because it felt like it was from out in left field. Wow. Amazing. I think it's also finally hit me like a ton of bricks: That could be me in a year or two or less. Please God, don't make it in less than two years!!!! I get this feeling of slight panic by the thought because I just don't feel ready, like i have so much more growing to do both spiritually, mentally and experientially (is that a word?). What I mean by my last word, if that is a word, is that I feel like there's so much more of life I want to experience before a kid enters the picture. Don' t get me wrong, I am soooo looking forward to having kids--but someday. I'm talking maybe when I'm 25. That might be nice. Gosh, Lord, help me with these thoughts. Why do I fear those things? Take my life, give me peace, for I know you have plans for me, plans to prosper me and care for me. You desire to give me strength and wisdom. Lord, I want to be your servant and I want to do it when you want it. If that means I have a kid on my hip, around my ankle and hanging on my arm, so be it. I just want to be where you want me and doing what you want me to be doing. I know that will be the perfect place; maybe not the easy or fun one, but the place where you want me. Show me what you want of me, guide me along that path. I'm yours. Take me where you want me.
Nighty night. Hasta.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Posted by Jen at 11:30 PM
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