Tuesday, August 17, 2004

So I went hiking with my parents tonight. It was a lot of fun--beautiful night to do it. We went to South Mountain and hiked in a few different areas. I think my favorite part of it (aside from running some of it) was seeing the sky change a million different colors as the sun set. I love how one minute a fluffy cloud near the horizon will look pale and grey and the next a brilliant orange or red with the sky offsetting it with a majestic purple or deep blue. Gorgeous. I love God's creation!
Anyway, we went to dinner after hiking and then I talked wedding stuff with my mom. The whole planning this is quite a struggle just because it feels as if there are always a million things to be done or looked into, you know? It's like, great, we figured out the church, but now we have to figure out how to decorate it, when the ceremony will be, how the ceremony will be, how long it's going to take...shoot, let's just go elope!
And I would, but I love my family and my friends and I want to share that day with them. Not just a reception, but that moment of saying "I do." The culmination of over two years of seeing a friendship and then a relationship blossom. It's a beautiful and special and meaningful thing to me at least.
Like I said, we talked wedding stuff a little bit and then I came in here feeling slightly "harried." So I've been online researching things, looking up e-mails and figuring out just how much I can spend on favors and how much of this wedding will come out of my pockets gradually so we can have those we want at the wedding, at the wedding. No where in this process have I gone to take a I can smell myself. Hey, guys do it all the time, so don't tell me that me sitting here reaking is anything worse than a guy doing it...
So just a few more moments of "reaking..."
My stories are rolling a little bit and I can't wait to set off on my fun-filled journeys for my cover stories. I'm stoked about both because they're definitely "edgy" for me, but they're things I think will be news and will be very interesting. Both are sort of underground activities that some may be aware of...but I can't get into either. Suffice to say that at least one of them involves Mexico directly and indirectly. I love that...
I'm starting with the dot, dot, dotting again, forgive me. I'm sure it's slightly obnoxious.
So if you see anything wedding related around or happen to think of me and my wedding, send up a prayer to the big guy for me cuz things are a little crazy. That Little White Wedding Chapel sounds better by the minute, but I know I'd regret it to an extent.
Time to hit the showers. Tomorrow is another day of reporting and hopefully writing. I'd like to get at least one of my stories done tomorrow and then completely focus on the other one and get it done by deadline Saturday. Very strange to have deadlines on Saturdays... (again, the dots...shoot.)

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