:Sigh: After ten years, Friends is over. Pretty sad, actually. It's really been the only show that I've never minded watching; rerun or not. Oh well...
I'm getting slightly jealous of all the blogs that I'm surrounded by. We've got colorful ones, ones with comment thingys on them, ones with surveys and pictures. I have so much creativity built up and no where to put it! Dang my EDT 323 class and its Dreamweaver software! I wish I could've learned computer code a lot better. I just want a pink background and a few pictures..is that too much to ask???
So one interview down, one more to go. I interviewed for the State Press newspaper (ASU college paper for all you non-ASU'rs) and then tomorrow I've got the State Press Magazine, which is published once a week. I nailed the interview today and took the writing test, which I think went pretty well. We'll see what happens. It's in God's hands. So is the class I applied for. I'm not sure when I'll find out about either one, though I think State Press will be very soon. We'll see if they want me or not! :)
House hunting in Tucson is going pretty well. It's now between two options: a furnished room in a really nice house in the Catalina foothills (at least I think that's what they're called) or a furnished apartment. The first option is $400/month flat, but I called and asked if they could do $350/month instead and the second option is $220/month plus utilities which are only about $40, so about $260/month. The complex looks nice, but I'm still sending my friend over there to scope it out for me since I can't exactly get down there this weekend. I'll probably make my decision by Monday. And, if I hear back about the State Press, I may have to decide that too which would in turn make me have to decide if I'm done nannying for good or not. This is a full week with studying for finals and it's only gotten more chaotic with these decisions all happening at once. I know that it will work out though because I firmly believe I am where I am right now because of God.
So, I've decided that if I end up at the apartment, I want to buy a DVD/video tape player---Obadiah, what do you think? We could put it in your house when I get back in August and then we'd have one. (Communication is here and there right now, but I'm pretty sure he checks this blog....)
Anyhoo, if anyone sees him or talks to him before me...like if you see Paul or David, let them know to let him know that I want to buy a DVD/video tape player soon. There, that should get to him no matter what now! ;) He'll be hiking all weekend with the boys and I'll be studying all weekend with my pals: Tiananmen Square: The Rape of Peking and Broadcast News Writing, Reporting and Producing. They seem cool, huh? Oh, and I think I figured out the annotation thing, in case anyone was wondering. Now all I have to do is read 6 different sources by Monday so I can put some things together by Wednesday. PLENTY of time... :)
What else is on my mind...well, wouldn't you know, it's blank right now. That's all she wrote....
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Posted by Jen at 9:47 PM
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