Friday, May 21, 2004

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! Whoohoo! Only 7 more hours of work until the weekend starts!! whoo...hoo...wait a minute, 7 more hours??!! Dangit.
Oh well, onward and upward.
Once again, I am met with a lull between transcripts and office clerical work. I think my internship is officially secretary/coordinator with "secretary" being about 80% of the time and "coordinator" being 20% of the time. Oh well, at least I'm learning something...
College group is tonight people! How very exciting it is. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again this week and just enjoying the company and getting into the Word. I've really missed it a lot.
Countdown to Tucson: 8 days--can you believe it? I can't...
So this whole G.I. Diet is going pretty well, although the exercise part of it has yet to be consistent. It'll get on track though. But the "dieting" part is going pretty well, although I have to admit that it's not easy passing up chips and cookies--why does junk food have to taste so darn good? And why do I have to work at a house where they are abundantly available? Just my luck, but things will be better this summer, as I will be doing all the groceries and completely controlling what's around me, aside from "office food," which is not that difficult to resist as long as you have other food. Still, I'm going to do this and get in better shape; very important, don't you know? ;)
¿Qué más? Well, that's one thing I haven't focused on for the last week; Spanish. I need to get back to studying it. Oh! So I got my grades for the semester; 3 A's and 2 B's. Kind of a bummer because I was expecting a B for Spanish but hoping for an A in my Media Research Methods class. In order to be considered for an A you had to take this final plus meet requirements for test retakes. I met the requirements, which entitled me for a B automatically, but I wanted an A so I took the test and it was just terrible. The longest, worst test of my entire life. So basically I wasted a ton of time studying for it and taking it because I ended up with the grade that I would've gotten anyway. Oh well, at least I tried.
This is so stream of consciousness right now because truly, there is nothing to do...not a thing to do.
Okay, well, rather than boring you with my "boredness" I suppose I'll just say TTFN-Ta-Ta For Now
That's all she wrote folks, "the bored one"

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