Thursday, August 23, 2007

I've got my iPod absolutely cranking right now to drown out office conversations.

Seriously---why do people think it's even REMOTELY appropriate to talk about their sex lives or anything else in earshot of the boss or whoever else?!

I'm so tired of being subjected to such disgusting, worthless, crap....

What would you do?

Thank goodness for my iPod. It's now my new best buddy...


Keith said...

Seriously? What would I do? I'd ask the person directly, and in private, if they could please not talk like that because it offends me. Obviously by your post, it bothers you. So go to the person and have a chat with them about it.

Then if that doesn't work, I would take it up the chain of command from there.

Good luck.

Jen said...

Thanks, Keith. I appreciate your suggestion! I'm going to pray about it a little more, as well. :)