Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hello all,
I know it's been a long time since I 've written. I've been having computer issues as of late, so i don't even know what people have written on my blog if anything at all.
Work at the Morning Star has been good. I will be taking over state education very soon, which means I get to talk to bureaucrats all the time and all that fun stuff. We'll see how that goes.
A big project has kept me tied up for a while. It should run in three days, but obviously I'm not at liberty to discuss any of it, especially not on here.
Life has been a bit crazy with Christmas party and preparations going haywire. I'm still waiting on hearing back about how the husky puppy is doing (see my husband's site for details), but all I can do is pray for him and pray that God would just lead us to the place where he wants us. If the dog is supposed to be ours, it will happen.
Sometimes I wonder why God gave me the heart and spirit he did. I'm an emotional mess at times and want to save everybody. I want to please people (which may not be of God) and I want to do it "right" the first time. Boy do those traits make it stressful working as a reporter! (maybe perhaps in most other jobs as well)

On another note, everyone should go see the movie "Just as Friends." It's the funniest movie I've seen in a long time and it lacks a lot of the usual crud you get in films. I think Obie enjoyed it too so don't write it off guys.

We've also started working out at the gym and I found out some sobering news yesterday.
1. 70-80% of weight loss hinges on a person's eating habits
2. It will take the equivalent of about 5-6 months for me to get back to where I want to be. Makes sense because it took that long to get where I am now.

So I have a long process ahead of me and hopefully by curbing some of my sweet tooth and increasing my cardio and weight training, I'll be back to where I need to be in no time.

See ya later...